Terms and conditions for ACTER webinar participation


  1. Recording consent: Participants agree that ACTER may record the webinar for future use on its website or social media platforms.
  2. Follow-up communications: Participants agree to receive post-webinar communications, including surveys and information about future ACTER events.
  3. Data usage: Registrants allow ACTER to use the information they provided for communication related to this and future events.
  4. Code of conduct: Participants agree to maintain professional and respectful behaviour during the webinar.
  5. Intellectual property: Participants acknowledge that all materials presented during the webinar are the property of ACTER and should not be shared without permission.
  6. Cancellation policy: ACTER reserves the right to cancel or reschedule the webinar if necessary, with notice provided to registrants.
  7. Non-transferability: Registration is non-transferable and intended only for the individual who completes the form.